WLTM; Clients 2021

Camilla Petty
3 min readDec 1, 2020


Everyone assumes that, as a freelancer, you get to pick and choose your projects. In my experience is rarely true. Needs must, and finances and schedules are often what drive decision making in terms of taking on work.

This is not a bad thing at all — it gets you out of your comfort zone, and into challenges you never imagined facing and wouldn’t have missed for the world.

But after six years, I figure there’s no harm in putting some intentionality out into the universe and seeing what drifts back. Think of what follows as my digital message in a bottle, plunged into the tumultuous sea of opportunity, and now floating towards some distant, hopeful shore.

In 2021, I’d love to work with clients who are…

Driven by creativity

This doesn’t mean you are a creative business (although that would be lovely too). But that you thrive on experimentation and imagination. You want to try things, even if that means risking failure. And you are wide open to ideas, however unexpected their source, nature or form.

What this looks like: Creative workshops, guest speakers/panels, dedicated Exploration phases.

Philosophically curious

You want to get under the hood of yourselves, your employees, your customers and even the inherent needs and behaviors present in your market. You’re cool with finding some grey between the black and the white, and taking the time to wonder what it all means to you and your future as a business.

What this looks like: Trend reports, customer research, focus groups, Leadership offsites.

Aware of the network

You know that brand and marketing strategy can’t begin and end with just one person (me). You can see that my agency background, and nearly a decade rumbling around the creative industry on both sides of the Atlantic means that my network is just as crucial as my work, work. I love to play match-maker between clients and creatives, and know that the right combination can be magical. Let me wave my strategy wand!

What this looks like: Creative brief creation, recruitment and pitch support, ongoing strategic consulting.

In it for the long-term

You want something useful and actionable in 6–8 weeks — no problem, I can do that. But, beyond that, you know that we’ll have developed a partnership that transcends even the world’s best marketing team. After two months, I’ll have expert knowledge of your brand and yet still be an outsider. You can see the value in keeping the conversation going, however light-touch.

What this looks like: Employee engagement, Brand and marketing consulting, open-ended Activation phases.

That’s it. Not much to ask, but worth asking nonetheless. And, for past or present clients reading, no comment on you! In fact, this wish list comes from those of you who have already shown me the beauty of these traits.

For future clients, I’d love to hear from you. No need to send a bottle back — an email will do.

Over and out. Cx

